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12th Hypoglossal N from the H. nerve is unilateral motor to the tongue. Expels the tongue
12th Hypoglossal N from the H. nerve is unilateral motor to the tongue. Expels the tongue
11th Spinal Accessory N from Ambiguus Nuc is unilateral motor to Trapezeus and Sternocleidomastoid M. Shrugging shoulders and turning the head
10th Vagus N- Motor from Ambiguus to striated muscle of upper 1/3 esophagus, Larynxand pharynx. Dorsal Motor Nuc. preganglionic parasympathetic to lung, cardiac, gut to 1/2 transverse colon. ---
- Sensory as cranial nerve ganglia connecting from the upper & lower GI, heart, & lung to solitary tract. Taste receptors on the epiglottis to gustatory N. GSA from auditory canal goes into fifth tract and nucleus.
9th Glossopharyngeal N-
Motor from Nuc Ambiguus to Stylopharyngeus M. Inferior Salvatory Nuc sends preganglionic axons to Otic ganglion for parotid gland.
--- Sensory- 9th nerve ganglia from Pharynx to solitary tract Gaging; GVA from carotid body/sinus