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Somatic sympathetic motor system arises entirely from the lateral horn while the sensory inputs enter the same segments. Reflexes for vascular dilation or constriction, piloerection and sweating.
Somatic sympathetic motor system arises entirely from the lateral horn while the sensory inputs enter the same segments. Reflexes for vascular dilation or constriction, piloerection and sweating.
The target of the motor component is blood vessels (primarily constriction), sweat glands (sudomotor) and erector muscles of hair follicles (piloerection). Although the PNS - cord relationship is only through T1 thru L2, the motor distribution extends throughout the body and head via the chain of sympathetic ganglia. Only three ganglia ascend in the cervical region as the inferior, middle and superior cervical ganglia. The CNS motoneurons are located in the lateral horn of the cord. These neurons synapse in the chain ganglia with postganglionic sympathetic neurons.