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At the mid-pons, the roof of the 4th ventricle is formed by the superior cerebellar
At the mid-pons, the roof of the 4th ventricle is formed by the superior cerebellar
peduncles and the anterior (superior) medullary vellum. The fifth nerve enters the pons
the pons- middle cerebellar peduncle junction and is located mid-way rostral caudal on the middle peduncle. A motor SVE nucleus lies medial to the GSA column, showing less displacement than the facial and ambiguus nuc. The lateral GSA nucleus of the 5th is the chief sensory containing the specific tactile from the face and head. Caudal to this section level you will see only the spinal 5th nuc and tr. as the root fibers of the 5th ganglion descend with some reaching C4.