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The 9th nerve has two motor and 3 sensory components. The GVE component in the inferior salivitory nucleus sends preganglionic parasympathetic axons to the otic ganglion that has the postganglionic neurons innervating the parotid gland.
The 9th nerve has two motor and 3 sensory components. The GVE component in the inferior salivitory nucleus sends preganglionic parasympathetic axons to the otic ganglion that has the postganglionic neurons innervating the parotid gland.
The SVE component is in the displaced ambiguus nucleus and innervates the stylopharyngeus muscle. It functions in swallowing and the gag reflex.
The GVA fibers are in the solitatry facsiculus and synapse on the solitary nucleus neurons that serve the gag reflex & swollowing.
Taste receptor cells (SVA) from receptor neurons synapse on the gustatory nuclei. A skin component (GSA) from the auditory canals, although having neurons in the 9th nerve ganglion, go to the trigeminal nuclei.