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The pyramidal system arises predominately from the precentral gyrus that includes areas 4 and 6. A smaller component arises from the sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus (3,2,1) where the body is mapped -for body,hand /face regions. The fibers collect as a “radiating corona “ (coronal radiata) projecting through the basal ganglia forming the lateral boundary of the thalamus. The internal capsule emerges into the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain and subsequently projects through the pons proper.
The pyramidal system arises predominately from the precentral gyrus that includes areas 4 and 6. A smaller component arises from the sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus (3,2,1) where the body is mapped -for body,hand /face regions. The fibers collect as a “radiating corona “ (coronal radiata) projecting through the basal ganglia forming the lateral boundary of the thalamus. The internal capsule emerges into the cerebral peduncles of the midbrain and subsequently projects through the pons proper.