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Levels of Alpha and Gamma Motoneuron Control-
Levels of Alpha and Gamma Motoneuron Control-
- Spinal cord
- all or none - Each alpha motor neuron forms a motor unit.
- Each segment has some segmental integration-
- Monosynaptic DRG to alpha motoneuron direct synapse
- Motor unit linking (interneurons)
- Sensory-Motor linking (Reflex activation)
- Intersegmental integration
- Supraspinal control
- Brainstem Nuclei-
- Lateral vestibulospinal tract
- Medial vestibular spinal tract
- Reticulospinal tracts;
- Rubrospinal tract
- Cerebellar control loop- Dorsal & ventral cerebellospinal tract
- Basal Ganglial Loop - Association Cortex through BG to Thalamus
- Cerebral cortex- Pyramidal Tract